Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Snow Day

UPDATE: Snowfall total: 24 inches. Rain forecast for tomorrow.

We are in the middle of a spring blizzard, lots of snow and wind.

This is a picture we took standing at our back door this morning.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but we have about a foot of snow with drifts of three to four feet due to the constant wind.

Today, I am grateful for electricity. The power went off last night, but came back on again sometime during the night. Without it, we don't have heat or water.

We are basically stranded. We can't move any of our vehicles because of drifts.

The kids are a little worried because they were looking forward to watching Alias, Bones, and Invasion tonight. At the moment, our television reception is gone.

The forecast is for sunny and 70's by the weekend, so we won't be stuck for long.


David Cho said...

Memo to God:

It's April. Take it easy on our friend grace.

PS: Thanks for the wonderful weather here in Southern California. May you keep these poor mid-westerners warm .... and far away from here :-).

Rob said...

Ah, reminds me of Winterpeg, Mani-snow-ba...

Jamie & Maynard can relate. I wouldn't know any longer, living in the midst of the Canadian Rockies, where it's sunny and 63F.

Looking forward to more of your post/neo-charismatic thoughts, after you all thaw out. :)

see-through faith said...

it's been trying to snow here too -but I've been denying it - it's April 20th !!! and too late for snow even here IMHO

Kelly said...

it's so strange to me that we live in the same country, yet you had a BLIZZARD yesterday!!

it was 86*F here yesterday!


Bruce said...

Monday and Tuesday, we were 100+. Wednesday we were 80 with rain and very high winds (70 miles an hour - hurricane force starts at 74). Today, rainy and upper 70s. Ah, Texas - gotta love it here. I'll take the snow any day.


Cindy said...

I saw this on the news last night and thought about you guys. We have it about like Bruce- 90 degrees-sweltering; I'm worried all my new flowers will actually burn up- and threatening weather each night. I guess at the end of the day we all just take what we're given huh? (Yesterday I dicovered that both our lawn mowers are broken- at least that's one thing you won't have to worry about this week!)

Cindy said...

hey Grace. I see you still have a blog. Mine has totally disappeared. Blogger is having serious problems this week!!

David Cho said...

Oh my goodness, Cindy. Your blog really has disappeared. Scary, especially since we have no way of saving backup copies. I hope it gets recovered soon.

Sue said...

Oh my goodness! I am just preparing to put some perenials out in the garden and there you are still experiencing the winter. What a wonderful world we live in!

Linda said...

Hi everyone! We were thawed out, but woke up to snow again today.

I'm having trouble publishing my post this morning, not sure if it's a blogger problem or a Monday morning problem.

Cindy, I am so sorry your blog disappeared. I keep checking to see if it's back. The few times I haven't been able to get on my blog were frustrating, especially because I couldn't get to my blogroll. I hope you don't lose your previous posts.

Traci said...

And here I am wishing for some cooler weather! Amazing.

Linda said...

We thawed out over the weekend, but woke up to more snow today.

I'll keep this short, because so far none of my replies to comments are posting today.

Not a good Monday for Blogger.

Linda said...

I guess my previous comment is here.

I'd post today if I could, but so far I've been unsuccessful at getting a post to publish.