Monday, June 18, 2007

Out of Control

...and loving it!

I want to point you to excerpts from a couple of excellent posts that I read today. In my mind, these ideas seemed to flow together.

In his post, The God of Chaotic Expression, Brother Maynard says:

"If God is willing to take huge risks with creation and with whom he leaves the keys to the kingdom — or the butcher shop, why aren’t we? It seems to me that we’ve built hierarchical structures around ensuring that the wrong people don’t get allowed to do too much, that the heavy lifting is left up to the professionals, and that somebody in charge keeps tabs on everything, rendering permission and the loan of keys on an as-needed basis to make sure nothing gets too far out of line, and to snap it back if it does. Somebody like a bank president with a big gold watch. God seems to be far more content with chaotic expressions than we are. He empowers all of us far more than we seem willing to have each other empowered."

On a related note, from his post on Home Church, Brant says:

"C'mon. Get serious. That'd be messy. You need visionaries, leaders who take charge and keep tabs and control stuff. You'll need structures in place for control.

Like the ones Jesus gave the disciples: "Above all, don't let this thing spread too fast. I hope you paid attention to all my hierarchical instructions. Don't fear, because while I'm leaving, I'll leave with you a plan for structure that will guide you, and comfort you, and..."

Great writing Brother Maynard and Brant!


Anonymous said...

I like the quote from Brother Maynard on chaotic expressions. I think we do put structures in place for purposes of control. It seems however, that God's work tends to emerge from places uncontrolled... from people you least expect.


Linda said...

I think we tend to fear the wild, unpredictability of allowing the Holy Spirit to orchestrate and lead.

Martha said...

Wow, Brother Maynard expressed so perfectly something that I alluded to in a post a couple of days ago regarding our old church. There were so many wasted gifts there because the leadership didn't want to give up the keys to anything. In fact, I believe that the leadership didn't really want anyone to develop their gifts too much, because if they did, then those in leadership wouldn't be able to control every detail and every person, and in fact might even have to give up the veneration and recognition for a well-run fruitful ministry etc. to some mere layperson. It makes me sad. Imagine what would happen to the church, and the world, if EVERYONE was encouraged and guided to use their gifts to their full potential.