Thursday, June 01, 2006

Starving Jesus

I just wanted to point you to this interesting piece today. It is a sample chapter from a book called Starving Jesus by Craig Gross and JR Mahon.

Here is a short passage to whet your appetite:

Satan teaches the self-centered and self-obsessed how to be what we call "born again lazy," how to actively fulfill selfish desires while keeping Christ at arms' length. Satan ultimately wants your reaction to be a call to do nothing for others. He's looking for you to say nothing, leave nothing, and offer nothing.

Jesus, on the other hand, seeks to mix it up. When Christ calls us, he engages our sin, not our dreams, goals, or passions. He died for our sin. He served humanity by giving His life. He's asking you to do the same. Grab the people around you and serve them.

Jesus gets the human drive to be important and valued by other men. He is here to set us free from ourselves. The freedom needs to express itself in selflessness and service to and for others. He's looking for your reaction to the world to be that of a servant.

HT to Brian Baute who blogs at Relentless Grace. I think we might be cousins.


John Frye said...

I liked the quote from "Starving Jesus' so I read the online chapter. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Greetings of Peace:
A great quote from Starving Jesus. Thank you :) It is very Sufi-like, so no wonder they rever him.

Bruce said...

If we could only get past the "born again lazy," what a difference the church, or Church, would make in the lives of those around them. *sigh*


Linda said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

You are welcome.

Yes, and if we could get the church's eyes off of the church and onto those we are called to serve.